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Bluthundr42's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bluthundr42's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Academic dishonesty should be put onto high shcool transcipts. Prospective Colleges have the right to know what type of student they are accepting. A GPA, ACT score, nor a personal essay can give them that information.

2 points

Schools should not allowed to ban books. I think that there should be guidelines on who reads what, but it's not a school's position to prevent their students from reading books. It is up the children's parents to decide what their children should read.

1 point

Backpacks should be allowed in school. They could possibly cause back issues, but banning the backpacks is an ineffective way of solving the issue. In order to take care of this issue, the students need to be educated on proper ways of wearing and packing their backpacks.

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